Education Programs
Arizona Heat Pump Council has provided quality HVAC education since 1985 and has qualified numerous technicians, managers, and business owners through specialized training such as the Master Heat Pump Technician Certificate Program.
Electricians can invest in electrical courses to meet the current industry demands in any residential, commercial, or industrial facility for career enhancement and while earning college credit.
Facility Maintenance
This program is ideal for the facility management professional looking to hone their HVAC and electrical skills to enhance their career as it pertains to commercial/industrial applications.
Building Operators
This program is ideal for the facility management supervisor looking for a well-rounded overview of all facets of building operation from HVAC and electrical to energy auditing and lighting.
Our Mission
The ELA Institute
The ELA Institute for Facility Management Education offers educational programs to meet the unique continuing educational and training needs of facility managers and their personnel. The ELA Institute is operated by the Education Departments of the Electric League of Arizona and the Arizona Heat Pump Council. The curricula for the Institute's educational programs were developed by industry practitioners and the lead instructors for both the ELA and the AHPC and the Energy Efficiency Department at APS. These programs are designed for a wide range of facility management personnel, including maintenance technicians, and managers of large, complex, multi-facility organizations.
Electric League of Arizona
The ELA mission is to enhance the effectiveness of its membership in promoting the efficient use of electrical energy products and related services.